Automotive Locksmith Services

Our automotive locksmith services are specialized services provided to address security and access issues related to vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other types of automobiles. These services are focused on helping you and drivers with issues such as lost or damaged keys, lockouts, and other security-related concerns involving their vehicles. Our Automotive Locksmith Services include:


Car Key Replacement

Car Key Replacement is part of our Automotive Locksmith Services here at Howard’s Key and Lock. It refers to the process of obtaining a new set of keys for a vehicle when the original keys have been lost, stolen, damaged, or are no longer functional. This process can involve different types of keys, including traditional metal keys, remote key fobs, and smart keys with electronic components. Car key replacement can vary depending on the type of key, the make and model of the vehicle, and the level of complexity involved. You were probably looking for where to find your car keys replacement for a low price, relax, you are on the right page. Here are the general steps involved in our car key replacement:

  • Proof of Ownership: We require proof of vehicle ownership before providing replacement keys. This helps prevent unauthorized key duplication.
  • Identify Key Type: We determine the type of key your vehicle uses (traditional key, remote key fob, smart key) and whether it has any electronic components. 
  • Contact us at Howard’s Key and Lock: You can contact us for a professional locksmith that specializes in your car's make and model for key replacement services.
  • Provide Vehicle Information: Provide information about your vehicle, including the make, model, year, and vehicle identification number (VIN).
  • Key Cutting and Programming: For remote key fobs and smart keys, programming is required to synchronize the new key with the vehicle's immobilizer and security system. Traditional keys might require cutting to match the locks.
  • Testing: Once the new key is cut and programmed, it's tested to ensure that it starts the vehicle and operates the locks effectively.

Car key replacement can vary in cost and complexity, so it's a good idea to compare options and choose a reputable locksmith like us to ensure the quality of the replacement keys and the programming process.

One young man, professional key cutter, making door keys copies in locksmith.

Key Duplication

  •  Key duplication is the process of creating a copy or replica of an existing key. This is commonly done for convenience, as having spare keys can be useful in various situations. Key duplication is often performed by locksmiths such as Howard’s Key and Lock. Key duplication can involve different types of keys, including:
  • Traditional Metal Keys: These are the standard keys that fit into locks and turn to operate them. They are commonly used for residential and commercial properties.
  • Automotive Keys: These keys are used to start and operate vehicles. They can include traditional metal keys, remote key fobs, and smart keys with electronic components.
  • Electronic Keys: These types are with electronic components, they are often used for keyless entry systems and push-button ignition in modern vehicles.

We offer these types of key duplication on your order at an affordable price. 


When getting a key duplicated, make sure to use reputable and reliable key-cutting services from locksmiths like Howard’s Key and Lock. Additionally, for security reasons, be cautious about who you entrust with your keys, especially for electronic and high-security keys

close up hand of technician during repair key or switch engine start of sedan car

Ignition Repair

Ignition repair refers to the process of fixing or restoring the components of a vehicle's ignition system. The ignition system is responsible for starting the engine by generating a spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture in the engine's cylinders. If any part of the ignition system becomes damaged or malfunctions, it can prevent the engine from starting or cause other performance issues. The ignition system typically includes components such as the ignition switch, ignition coil, spark plugs, distributor (in older vehicles), ignition control module, and other associated wiring and connectors. Ignition repair may involve diagnosing and fixing problems with any of these components, which could include issues like:

  • Ignition Switch Problems: The ignition switch is responsible for sending power to various components of the ignition system. If the switch fails, the vehicle may not start or might stall while driving.


  • Ignition Coil Issues: The ignition coil transforms the battery's low voltage into high voltage needed to create a spark at the spark plugs. A faulty ignition coil can lead to misfires or a complete failure to start.


  • Spark Plug Troubles: Spark plugs create the actual spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture. If they are worn out or not functioning properly, the engine's performance can suffer, leading to poor fuel efficiency and rough idling.


  • Ignition Control Module Malfunctions: The ignition control module manages the timing and strength of the spark. If it fails, it can cause ignition timing problems and engine performance issues.


  • Wiring and Connection Problems: Damaged or corroded wiring, as well as faulty connectors, can interrupt the flow of electricity within the ignition system, leading to starting problems.


Ignition repair may involve diagnostics using specialized tools to identify the exact issue and then replacing or repairing the faulty components. It's important to address ignition system problems promptly, as they can significantly impact the performance, fuel efficiency, and overall reliability of your vehicle. 

Car Key Lockout. Forgot Inside His Vehicle

Emergency Car Lockouts

Emergency car lockouts refer to situations where a driver is unable to access their car due to being locked out. This can happen for various reasons, such as accidentally locking the keys inside the car, losing the keys, breaking a key in the lock, or experiencing a malfunction with the car's locking system. When a car lockout occurs, it can be a frustrating and inconvenient experience, especially if you're in a hurry or in an unfamiliar location. In such situations, people often seek immediate assistance to regain access to their vehicles. Here are a few common scenarios that may lead to emergency car lockouts:

  • Keys Locked Inside the Car: Accidentally locking the keys inside the car is a common occurrence. This can happen when you exit the car without taking the keys with you or when you inadvertently lock the doors from the inside.
  • Lost or Stolen Keys: If you've lost your car keys or they've been stolen, you won't be able to unlock and start your vehicle. In this case, you might need to have new keys made or the locking system rekeyed or replaced.
  • Broken Keys: Keys can break off in the lock or ignition, preventing you from using them to unlock or start the car.
  • Malfunctioning Key Fob or Remote: Modern vehicles often use key fobs or remote control devices to lock and unlock the doors. If the key fob's battery is dead or the remote is malfunctioning, you might not be able to access your car.
  • Locking System Issues: Problems with the car's locking mechanism, such as a jammed lock or a malfunctioning electronic lock, can also lead to lockouts. To address emergency car lockouts, there are a few potential solutions to get it rectified:
  • Contact Us at Howard’s Key and Lock: Our locksmiths are professionals who specialize in working with locks and security systems. We can also quickly respond to a car lockout situation, using specialized tools to unlock the car without causing damage.


  • Contact the Dealership or Car Manufacturer: In some cases, the car's dealership or manufacturer might be able to provide assistance or guidance on how to resolve the lockout situation.

It's important to remain patient and stay safe while waiting for assistance to arrive. If you're in a potentially unsafe area, it's advisable to wait in a well-lit and populated area until help arrives. Also, keep a spare key in a secure and accessible place to prevent future lockout situations.