Commercial Locksmith Services
Our commercial locksmith services are customized to fulfill the security demands of your businesses and organizations. They are provided by our professional locksmiths who are qualified and devoted to working with an array of locks and security systems commonly found in commercial and industrial settings.
Here are some of the commercial services we offer:

Access Control Systems
Howard’s Locksmith Services Los Alamitos, California works to empower your space with smooth access control solutions. We provide security by setting up and managing the access control systems comprising of electronic card readers, key fobs, or biometric readers of your organization to restrict and monitor access to specific areas within the commercial facility.
With our Access Control System, you can exercise greater control over your employees’ access than ever before.

Master Key System
The master key is a unique key that can access all the locks in a particular system. Here at Los Alamitos, California Howard’s Locksmith Services, we develop and set up master key systems that enable tiered access control, enabling different levels of access for different employees while providing a master key for managers or security personnel.
Our master Key systems provide an efficient and controlled solution for managing various spaces while minimizing keys to be carried around by authorized personnel.
Security Audits
Howard’s Locksmith Services Los Alamitos, California conducts security assessments and provides recommendations to improve the overall security of your business premises, including doors, windows, and other entry points.
A key control system is vital for your business, this helps to control the distribution of keys. Individuals with access to certain keys can easily make duplicates; you can address this issue with high-security keys that only permit authorized duplication.

Lock Replacement
Everyone knows that business security involves more than just standard door knobs; it extends to thorough checks, lock repairs, and lock replacements. Our commercial locksmiths can install, repair, or replace various types of locks, including high-security locks, access systems, electronic keypads, and mortise locks.
Los Alamitos, California Howard’s Locksmith Services renders quality services for lock repairs and replacements for all parts of the company’s building.
Emergency Locksmith Services
At Howard’s Locksmith Services Los Alamitos, California, we specialize in offering prompt and immediate help for all lock-related concerns. Here are some of the emergency locksmith services we provide:
We ensure that irrespective of the hour, we provide immediate lockout assistance for anyone locked out of their cars, homes, or other properties. We offer relief and peace of mind to those in these challenging situations.
If your key happens to break inside the lock, we assist you by carefully extracting the broken key fragments without causing damage to your properties. We also help you to work a new and quality lock back to your door in no time.
If there have been any unfortunate situations like break-ins, accidents, or any other emergency that caused damage to your doors or windows, Howard’s Locksmith Services Los Alamitos, California provides an emergency board-up assistance to secure the damaged area. We then make permanent repairs when requested by you.
Zip Codes in Los Alamitos, California that we also serve: 90720 90721
Cities Close To Los Alamitos, California That We Also Serve
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24 5 service locksmith
- Business Address: 12570 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92840
- Phone No: (714) 710-1771
- Business Rating: 4.7
- Business Review: 139
- Business Site: //www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CRjNMmklEZZmqKNXx0L4PvOuyoATMq5f1Z8nIz7KJDd2i0vOjDQgQEAEgk7fxKWDJzuiGyKOQGYgBAaABxNCyhgPIAQGqBGZP0JPoI28s5NKusdq5lRHdm7hvJOQxWmh12hnS9Wg44DAsw5vK_l71RfgCutFu_2Mt_KCebKrklWEOLfl2N0-dNUuC0yLnW5JQIWz93BLIdNd5lGyzZEFbl_bRA9nfppJ2spOswxPABPyD5LSyA4gFqpr7ji2gBlGAB6SvzXmQBwOoB-u4sQKoB6a-G6gHuZqxAqgH89EbqAfu0huoB_-csQKoB8rcG6gHkq-xAqgHu6SxAqgHkqaxAqgH2LOxAqgH2KaxAqgHyqmxAqgHmbWxAqgH3rWxAqgH26qxAqgH0KqxAqgH3LCxAqgHv7mxAqgH6rGxAqgHqrixAqgHlLixAqgH7LixAqgHvrexAqAIyYSmBLAIAcAIyAHSCB8QATICgEA6BOBhgkBCAQFI0ezzKlAJWJnf8ODTpoIDsQnjZaZKkHytI7kJ8J5k0fqDCnH4CQGYCwHQCwLaCxEQ7MPBye4CGAAgruP6rBowDdoMEQoLEKCn-cH4tP7vyQESAgED6AwLmg0BAqoNAlVTuA0ByA0BghQdCAESGStsb2Nrc21pdGggK2xvcyArYWxhbWl0b3OIFAHQFQH4FgGAFwGSFwgSBggBEAMYRboXAjgB&ase=2&gclid=EAIaIgocChMImd_w4NOmggMV1TjUAR28tQxEEBAYASDIARICSJLw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&label=free_ps_website&cid=CAASE-Rozmd7WfOOm443He2-zePNjhQ&sig=AOD64_3rgUA6O-N8uMNqu30N6pX2DTaQxQ&adurl=https://www.245service.com/our-services/?gad_source%3D1&bp=1
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